Growing with the Community

Your vision is precious, and eye care is our passion. Our staff is passionate about helping you achieve your vision goals at all stages of life. Whether you’re struggling with dry eye or your kids need help controlling myopia, we have you covered. 

Myopia Management
Dry Eye Treatment

Preserving Your Eye Health

We understand the importance of early detection and effective management of eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration, and more.

Our team is equipped with innovative diagnostic technology, such as wide-field retinal imaging, OCT, and visual field testing, to help provide you with comprehensive and accurate eye exams. We strive to be your destination for eye disease management.

Come Visit Us

Beloit Family Eye Care

You can find us on E Grand Ave., right across from the Beloit Art Center. We look forward to welcoming you.

  • 531 E. Grand Ave.
  • Beloit, WI 53511

Please call our practice before visiting!

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Brodhead Vision Clinic

You can find us on 17th St. We have convenient parking available at the side of the building for our patients.

  • 1005 17th Street
  • Brodhead, WI 53520

Please call our practice before visiting!

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